![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
How many times can people run into this man’s bright yellow SUV?
EDIT: Yeah, as is to be expected with somebody who’s been hit this many times, he probably needs to work on his defensive driving.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:57 |
I guess beige car drivers don’t even survive in that kind of environment?
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:08 |
You know what, I only see one that I can’t at least partially fault this guy for.
First video, he BACKS UP ON A HIGHWAY. I don’t care for the reason. You never do that shit. Plus, he’s driving with a cracked windshield. Since the windshield is börked in that one vid, I question what else might not be 100% on that vehicle (like tailights, for instance).
Second video, the other driver gets out on the cell phone, who knows if they were on it to begin with, so hard to judge there. I can’t fault the guy for that one.
Third video, his car was disabled/barely operational. He was moving over at a slow rate of speed through an on ramp. Again, who knows if tailights were operational.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:08 |
Twice in the same intersection! (At least...I didn’t watch the long ones). Geez.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:09 |
This guy is one of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen.
He’s constantly going TOO SLOW for the conditions, he doesn’t use his horn enough to let people know he’s there, he turns in the inside line and then takes the turns at a snail’s pace. He could have avoided almost all of the accidents in these videos by going at least 10 mph faster.
I think the only “fucking retard” is the dude piloting this yellow piece of shit.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:12 |
He crossed the gore point in the second clip. The Kia should have paid more attention, but yellow truck should not have been there.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:14 |
HOW can people miss a big yellow (Hummer?)? I mean, the next logical step is for him to start driving a school bus, for crying out loud.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:19 |
Credit where credit is due... not a single shot fired. I’d probably be driving around cocked and locked if I were him.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:21 |
That 3rd video where the lady kept driving... I would have los it.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:21 |
In the second video he crosses the solid white line, moving himself into the blind spot of the car that was changing lanes. This one was his fault.
In the third video, he moves from the shoulder across the merge lane where people are accelerating up to freeway speed. Their attention is on traffic that is on the freeway, not some moron slowly crossing the lane. If not directly his fault, he’s a major contributing factor in the wreck.
In the fourth video, he swings wide into the second turn lane in an attempt to pass someone. That driver didn’t have anyone next to him in the first place and didn’t expect someone to move into that spot. They were both in the wrong, by swinging wide, but only yellow hummer dude was stupid enough to accelerate and attempt a pass on the right in a turn in the rain.
Perhaps he is the problem....
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:25 |
sorry, but you’re all wet here. the only one where I fault him is when he sped up to prevent someone from getting onto the on-ramp, that’s a dick move.
he turns in the inside line and then takes the turns at a snail’s pace.
it doesn’t matter. In a double-lane turn, you are not supposed to change lanes inside the turn. AT ALL.
he doesn’t use his horn enough to let people know he’s there,
that doesn’t excuse other people from changing lanes without looking (or in the case of the double turns, illegally changing lanes.) It’s very telling that the woman in the second video still had her fucking phone in her hand when she got out of her car. It’s not his job to use his horn to warn everybody that he’s there.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:27 |
You might be on to something there, questioning his taillamps in the 3rd clip. A second after impact, his forward illumination changes color, and there’s a *click*. It’s almost like he was running a light bar, and had to switch his normal lights back on.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:28 |
I’m not surprised. I see “lane jumpers” all of the time in double-lane turns. you’re not supposed to change your lane within the turn, period.
The worst are when they’re on freeway off ramps, clearly signed on both sides like this:
More than once have I had someone in the leftmost lane almost rip the side of my car/truck off because their self-absorbed airheaded ass decided they need to go straight.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:29 |
oh theyre not missing it...... target fixation?...
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:29 |
Yup totally agree. Also sometimes you have to let people in. The accident with the first gen rx was totally avoidable. The guy had his turn signal on and started to get in the lane the guy could have backed off and let the guy in since the lane for the exit was in was ending. If I didn’t let people in who didn’t know where they were going for exit or onramps and just to prove a point god knows how many accidents I would have been in.
The one also where hes on the shoulder than continues to drive across and onramp where a driver is not exactly expecting this to happen is another douche more.
Those double turns the crosses over the line into the other lane.
Reversing on a freeway.
Cracked windshield that never has not gotten fixed for a long period of time, brush guards, yellow hummer all point to small pee pee syndrome. Probably has yellow plastic nuts hanging from the tow hitch. The guy is a terrible driver thank god he drives a yellow truck no wonder how many accidents have been avoided from this fact.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:32 |
Yeah, could be. Maybe it’s time to start painting school buses brown. For safety.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:33 |
It’s an Xterra, still not hard to miss
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:35 |
I would bet a lot of money that if this guy had to drive around a Honda Civic and not an SUV with a brush guard, he’d drive a little more defensively.
Nearly all these incidents could have been avoided by being a bit more defensive. Yes, there was fault to be found in those who hit him, but “insurance” fault and “real-world, maybe could have avoided this” fault are two different things.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:36 |
With the exception of the first one where he gets rear ended, all of these could have been avoided. Just sitting here watching these I could call who was going to do what, and then continued to watch as he had no reaction until it was too late.
The second one with the Kia, first off he crossed over the solid white at the merge. Right there this accident is his fault, secondly, you could see the kia pulling out before he was even in the other lane, easily avoidable by yellow truck guy twice.
the 3rd video you can clearly see he is on the side of the road with no hazards lights on. Then he tries to cut across an onramp at maybe 10mph between traffic... its not the on ramps traffic job to slow for you buddy, you need to wait until it is safe to cross your disabled vehicle.
The one that irks me the most is the Lexus guy. its like the battle of who could be a bigger ass on the road.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:36 |
Dude needs a vehicle that is bigger and more yellow.
Probably should avoid that intersection with the double left as well. I have one of those on my normal commute. I avoid it when I can. When I can’t, I’m super paranoid about it. Many folks don’t follow the lane markers or pay attention to the signage. Been cut off many times, but I expect it and plan for it every time.
Blocking the Lexus on the ramp was on him though. Bad defensive driving.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:38 |
The on ramp thing shows you exactly the type of driver he really is.
This is what I mean by the inside line:
He needs to be more to the right, he turns that corner really close to be a dick to the guy next to him.
I drive in one of the most congested places so using my horn to let cars, taxis, pedestrians know that I am there/coming is second nature to me. I have ZERO expectation that anyone is actually paying attention but me. Many people here don’t even signal when they change lanes so reading the subtle movements of their wheels is also a key thing to anticipate.
In the above, it’s obvious to me what is about to happen even before I knew the CRV was going to crash into him. The person ahead is braking to make that turn and the CRV is going to come in to the right lane. My expectation is that they [CRV] are going to go into the right lane without looking or signaling. I would’ve A) Honked then B) Immediately either sped up or slowed down. If his car is too slow or run down to speed up- then slowing down should be the next move not maintain the same slow speed in an empty lane.
I get what you are saying but this person displays no defensive driving techniques and probably would crash 10x a day here in NYC.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:40 |
camouflage?, for higher visibility.......
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:42 |
he’s not the best driver, and it contributes to some, but they aren’t his fault...except that dick move with the RX. Well and maybe that weird highway exit move.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:42 |
This guy reacts to other people’s shitty driving very poorly. He could have avoided most of these. Also, I’m wondering if his tail lights are burnt out.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:44 |
Are these videos yours?
Austin drivers, man...
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:48 |
See I’m not saying they are ALL his fault but that he could have probably avoided at least 90% of those incidents by just being more proactive, more defensive and moving a bit quicker.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:50 |
Part of being a good driver is avoiding accidents when other people drive shitty. I’ve had people turn into my lane on those double turn lanes dozens of time. I’ve never been hit because I anticipate people doing it and drive accordingly. And yeah, it kind of is your job to alert people to your presence if they don’t see you. That’s the whole reason vehicles have horns.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:51 |
Exactly, do I love it when someone waits until the last minute to change into the exit lane? No, but I don’t risk my vehicle to prove my point. He was broken down in a break down lane and had NO REASON to move across the on ramp lane to another break down lane.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:58 |
Those double turn lanes always scare the shit out of me. I expect the drivers in the inside lane run wide, and find myself relieved if they don’t.
If I’m in the outside lane, I ALWAYS let the car right next to me go a little ahead so I have enough room to brake and blow my horn when they come into my lane.
Dude has some bad luck, but some of those could have been prevented.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 11:09 |
Yeah i agree with that
![]() 05/15/2017 at 11:12 |
no more need be said.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 11:22 |
Lol not sure if that’s an insult or not. But I love you JimZ and I know for a fact if Ol’ Yeller up there was in front of you pulling these antics your reaction would be:
![]() 05/15/2017 at 11:30 |
I mean it explains your outlook on driving (esp. horn usage.)
nothing more than that.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:48 |
It seriously looks like he could have avoided half of these by just paying attention. Does this guy own a body shop? I’ve avoided many accidents by beating able to hit the brake or move out of the way of idiots, this guy just lets it happen.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:50 |
4th one down was completely avoidable on his part. Was it his fault, he’s partly to blame for letting the guy him him.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:51 |
He said in the description that he whacked the headlights switch forward and turned the brights on upon impact.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:54 |
Nissan Xterra and IDK
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:56 |
Dear god no. I’d like to think I would’ve avoided most of these.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:57 |
Totally agree.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:57 |
Ah, that makes sense. I realized too late that despite the difference in color, the glow on the front bars appears to come from the same source.
...and I made the rookie mistake of not checking the description haha.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 16:40 |
It’s a Nissan Xterra.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 02:45 |
I have to agree. He’s passive-aggressive, like every idiot on the road where I live. He cuts people off, follows too close, does idiotic moves, then doesn’t even attempt to avoid accidents that are completely avoidable if he was even slightly aware of his surroundings. I dodge more of the stuff he ends up in accidents from every day on the road here. It doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Stuff that happened once every few months in CA happens daily here and I have saved innumerable dumbasses just like him from having to deal with an accident.
Mind you, I really need a dashcam.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 02:47 |
Seriously. The only one I couldn’t fault him with on that corner was when the driver to the left was clear out of view when it happened. The rest? Brakes and spacing could have avoided them even if people didn’t follow the rules.
Don’t they teach the kids defensive driving these days?
![]() 05/16/2017 at 02:56 |
I call the area near the Microsoft campus (near my house) “little Mumbai” because the driving is positively third world and about 95% are Indians (immigrants or on visas), many of which had probably never driven a car until they moved here; now they’re driving fast luxury cars. He’d eat it daily here, because this kind of stuff is such a common occurrence that it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.
Hell, this stuff is the least of it. Try mixing in elderly people that lived the first 50+ years of their lives in a third world country without things like indoor plumbing and crosswalks. On any given day, I could kill at least five people just by disregarding anything smaller than a car. Today I can think of at least three that registered in my mind, one of which was just because he was obviously of African decent and it’s rare to see someone that is in a majority East Indian (followed by Chinese and various SE Asians) city.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:05 |
I’d call the highway exit totally his fault and all but one other completely avoidable on his part.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:08 |
I see only a couple I’d count as truly unavoidable.
When you get hit this much, you should start to realize that you’re the problem, even if others did stupid/weird stuff.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:11 |
Beige car drivers probably drive far more defensively than this douchenozzle.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:15 |
Never heard of that name, but I also consider him to blame for not pushing his brakes a bit harder. I thought he intentionally hit that car. If he stayed in his lane or ran a little slower at that point, it never would have happened.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:17 |
I couldn’t believe that one, although I also thought the accident was partially his fault for not simply backing off when it became painfully apparent that the other car was not going to stay in their lane.
A defensive driving class and being reduced to a Geo Metro would do this guy and those around him good.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:27 |
When you get involved in this many accidents you have to start asking yourself: What is the common factor here?
If you don’t say, “me”, then get help, you should have your license revoked.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:34 |
What he really needs is a yellow dunce cap and a bus pass. He shouldn’t be driving if he can’t handle these situations without getting in an accident.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 07:38 |
Yeah exactly, part of being a good driver I think is anticipating and predicting what people are going to do. I’ve seen people doing enough dumb shit to just assume that no one but me is paying attention.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 09:26 |
With big SUVs come great cockiness.
![]() 10/28/2017 at 18:48 |
Apparently someone is going to have kill him before he realizes he sucks at driving and shouldn’t be on the road.
![]() 10/28/2017 at 18:54 |
He’s pretty much to blame for all of these, but in the second one he owned the lane. He could be cited for crossing over the gore point, but at the time of the impact he owned the lane.
But still, how can someone get hit this many times???